WIP at UNGA – Economic Cost of Violence Against Women


The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) is pleased to invite you to the high-level discussion ‘’Economic Cost of Violence Against Women’’, co-hosted by H.E. Ms. Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of the Republic of Lithuania and H.E. Ms. Michelle Bachelet, President of the Republic of Chile. This event, organized by the Council of Women World Leaders (CWWL) – the network of current and former women Heads of State and Government – in partnership with WIP, will take place on September 21, 2016 in New York – during the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. This high level discussion will address the economic impact of violence against women and share good practices on how measures, aimed at combating violence against women, could result in reduction of public expenditures and allow their use for sustainable development.





