5.300 signatures have been handed over to the UN for a Parliamentary Assembly

Thursday, December 19, 2013
600px Uno Unpalogo.svg

The United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNAP) has handed over 5.300 signatures to the UN today. The Women in Parliaments Global Forum has contributed to this campaign for a World Parliament ensuring that the gender dimension will also be taken into consideration in further steps, by adding the key sentence “as well ensuring gender equality” in the UNPA’s proposal:

A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) for the first time would give citizen representatives, not only states, a direct and influential role in global policy. The assembly would not replace existing UN bodies but would be an additional means to integrate parliamentarians more effectively into the shaping of globalization.

As a transitional step until direct elections become practical, the UN Parliamentary Assembly could consist of delegates from national and possibly regional parliaments, reflecting their political diversity as well as ensuring gender equality. Read more…

One of WIP’s priorities is to achieve a gender-balanced representation in all the Parliaments of the world. Therefore, we also want to ensure gender equality in a new UN Parliamentary Assembly that will address global challenges and take global decisions, on behalf of citizens worldwide.
