Meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network

When: April 5, 2023
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Women Political Leaders (WPL) and the OECD co-host the first 2023 meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network (GPN), a legislative learning hub for legislators and parliamentary officials. Jointly held with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the gathering is set to take place at the OECD Conference Centre, in Paris, France on 4 and 5 April 2023, starting at 8:45 AM (Central European Time).

The meeting offers the opportunity to hear the experiences of women politicians in the different OECD’s key areas, such as the contributions to a stronger and more qualitative recovery from COVID-19 while responding to the economic and social impacts of the unjustified war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

Participants meet to jointly look at and discuss the global economic outlook, labour and social policies, energy markets, combatting mis- and dis-information and new research in the pursuit of equality. Complemented by a brief of the newly-established Inclusive Forum on Carbon Mitigation Approaches as well as specific sessions with OECD Economics Department country desks.

In the context of the Reinforcing Democracy Initiative, a special session of the OECD Parliamentary Group on Integrity & Transparency, will discuss political integrity standards for elected officials, and strengthening resilience to foreign undue influence and interference.

The draft programme of the virtual meeting may be found here.

If you are an incumbent Member of Parliament or parliamentary official and wish to attend this meeting, please register visa this online form as soon as possible.

For all questions regarding registrations, please contact [email protected]
