WPL organises a Discovery Lab session, “Talk Together –Reykjavik Index for Leadership Do People Prefer Women or Men as Leaders?”, in the framework of the 20th OECD Forum World in EMotion on Tuesday 21st May from 09:30 – 10:15, in Paris, providing and interactive space to explore transformation paths for the world of the future through the lenses of evidence.
The Index – launched by WPL in cooperation with Kantar – measures attitudes and perception of women and men in leadership positions, across 20 economic sectors, focusing on the importance of evidence in order to understand prejudices, stereotypes and personal biases and drive positive change.
Within the movement for equality between women and men, evidence is an essential tool for both social progress and the public policy to support it. Indeed, to further the cause of equality between men and women there is a need to understand values, perceptions and attitudes, the speed of change (or the failure to realise it) and the drivers and barriers towards a fairer world.
On 20-21 May, the edition of OECD Forum – celebrating its 20th anniversary – focuses on a World in EMotion, resonating a time of great societal, economic and political change, upheaval and disruption, amplified by the dual forces of globalisation and digitalisation. This year Forum, brings together stakeholders from all sectors in society, from government to business, trade unions, civil society, academia and media, to discuss social change in a time of digitalisation and globalisation.
The Forum aims to explore ways to transform these increasing expressions of uncertainty – result of the worst economic, financial and social crisis of our lifetimes – into collective commitment for positive action. WPL’s Discovery Lab session “Talk Together –Reykjavik Index for Leadership: Do People Prefer Women or Men as Leaders?” delves into the added value of providing evidence in such an endeavour.
The speakers at the session are WPL President and Founder Silvana Koch-Mehrin and Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economy and Business of Spain. Tatyana Teplova, Head, Governance for Gender, Justice and Inclusiveness, OECD facilitates the session.
Read more about the index here.
For more information about the OECD Forum, click here.