
Women take more than 70% of consumption-related decisions, be it food, clothing, furniture or cars. They tend to be in charge of health for their families and are a major influence on both the education and activities of family members.

Globally, women make up more than half of the human capital in any economy. Although still underrepresented among legislators, female political influence is growing rapidly, in Parliaments and as voters. They hold the majority of votes in political elections in a democracy.

In its rolling programme, WIP goes beyond classic gender-related issues and provides input to debates currently impacting our society including health, digital policy, sustained growth, finance, demographic change and energy. By raising and engaging in these debates, WIP mirrors the global political agenda and gives balance to the discussions by offering another perspective.

These, and other topics are on the agenda during WIP conferences, and continue to be discussed and debated online. The WIP library provides key documents and contributions by WIP members.