Women in Parliaments to study Iceland’s success on gender equality

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) is organising a Study Trip to Iceland, the world’s global leader in gender equality, from 3 to 4 April. The event will be held in cooperation with the Parliament of Iceland, which for the first time in its history will open its plenary for a conference of an international group of female Parliamentarians.

Participants will be meeting with Ministers, Parliamentarians, business women and men, academics and societal stakeholders. The WIP Study Trip will give participants first hand insights into Icelandic society, built on the values of gender equality and female social, economic and political empowerment.

Iceland has been ranked number 1 of the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report for the past five years due to its good results on providing the same opportunities for men and women in terms of education, economy or politics. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir was the first female President in the world (1980), while Jóhanna Sigurardottir, member of the WIP Advisory Board, was the first female Prime Minister of Iceland (2009).

The Women in Parliaments Global Forum is delighted to be hosted by the Icelandic Parliament and we are very much looking forward to meeting as many Parliamentarians as possible there.

Draft Programme

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